The doctor pretty much confirmed what I was wondering, that Mia was born premature, maybe about 6-7 weeks early. She based this on Mia's weight (4.4 lbs) at birth, her small size for her age and how she had trouble eating when first placed in the orphanage, among other things. Doctor says there is no way to know for sure, but she also thinks that Mia is doing well, since she is gaining weight, proportionate and her cognizant and motor functions are in line with a baby's Mia's age, had she not been premature. She did ask for updated medical records, just to be sure that any new information, will show Mia improving more. She thinks Mia will do most of her catching up when she is home with us,,,,uh can I bring her home today, please!
I can't believe that it's been two weeks since our referral this time is flying by. There is so much to do and we still haven't been contacted by our travel advisor...I think I'll call the agency tomorrow. I would have thought we would have heard something by now....
Staying true to who you are Happy 13th
4 years ago
Your poor little peanut. Just wait, when you get her home her growth will be phenomenal. Here's hoping for speedy travel.
Home now....typing with one hand!
Waiting with that picture is so much harder than without.
Takes about 3-4 weeks for a TA.
Hoping you are on your way soon.
LDW, mom to her own Jiangxi girl
It didn't even occur to me that Mia would be a preemie. You have a good doc. I know she'll flourish when she's home with you and in your arms. Isn't it nice that time is flying by? Soon enough you'll be home typing updates on this blog by one hand because she will want to be in your arms all the time.
Little Richie and Jen, I have been following up on your blog not daily but as much as possible. Eilene and I are really excited for the both of you and cant wait to see Mia also. Please let us know of what you need like we talked about. I am sure that your Dad is smiling down on the both of you. Also my co worker Michelle stocks your blog and wished you well. She to has a daughter named Mia!!!.
Love Uncle Bobby and Eilene
Little Richie and Jen, I spelled stalks incorrectly. This is the correct spelling!!!
Love Uncle Bobby
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