You can almost hear the collective sigh of the adoption community...It does not appear that CCAA is going to suspend travel or referrals, they, the CCAA, is encouraging agencies to counsel their clients to do so, but it does not appear (yet) to be policy.... I guess we will know more next week, when referrals and TA's should be coming out, so keep your fingers crossed...
My agency did send out an email, letting us know, that they have been given no indication that travel and referrals will not continue as planned. So I am going to trust they know what they are doing and not get myself worked up, lol.
p.s. I am will be so glad to get off this rollercoaster....I have had about all I can take at the moment....
Staying true to who you are Happy 13th
4 years ago
I am so glad to hear that CCAA won't be suspending travel and/or referrals. I think I heard that sigh of relief.
This rollercoaster is on the extreme side isn't it?
We, too, can't wait until you are off. Come on, Mia!
Yeah, I'm glad Porky did not change the flow for the CCAA. Girl, this is the longest oh-please-let-me-off-this-rollercoaster-ride ever. We should have a summit in your honor once you get back home. Is this do-able??
Yeah, the whole H1N1 seems to have petered out. It was just hyped to death by the media desperate for ratings. ---oh. I am sorry. Did I let my feelings slip????---
I hope referrals come soon.
This get news for you. Keep the chin up it will work out. Just keep the faith.
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