3 Days...until Rich and I take off to a far away land...
1 week...until Rich and I meet the child who is to be our daughter and we become A Family.
I wrote to a friend today, "How did I get here"?
For so long our lives have been about this journey we were on. The journey to Mia was our reality, it's what we lived, breathed, hung on to. Almost to the point, that the journey, this path, was all we could see. It was like walking
thru a dark forest, that was closing in all around you, while you struggle to find your way. It was frightening with its dark corners and surprising with it's brief flashes of light
thru the branches. Then it happened, you reach the edge of the forest, step into the light, which blinds you at first with it's brilliance. When your sight clears, you finally see before you, the reason for the journey, the reason you stepped onto the uncertain and uneven path, the reason you were willing to walk
thru the darkness, holding each others hand....You see HER. ..
It's a wonder to me, that Rich and I are at this point in our journey, but it does not end here. There were only two hands holding onto each other, now there will be three and the journey starts again....