It's so hard to believe, that it's been 6 years since 9-11-2001. It was a day of terrible loss and tremendous human courage. It was a day that was forever etched in our hearts and minds, for a time, bringing us all together as a nation. As horrific as that day was, it showed that we are at our best, at the worst of times. It also showed us, as in times past, how hate can destroy innocent lives. I don't think anyone with a heartbeat, will ever forget those images and prays that we never see a day like that again.
I had hoped that we would stay united as a country, but there are so many things that, yet again, divide us as a nation. When will we stop seeing each other as Christian, Muslim, Jew....Black, White, Yellow, Brown....and start seeing each other as human beings, each with their own right to exist, to love, to laugh, to just be......
Staying true to who you are Happy 13th
4 years ago
You should have been a writer. You brought tears to my eyes.. Sigh
Your right we will never forget, we can only hope and pray the prejudice will end..
Love you Bunches.
Your baby Sis
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