CCAA matched 6 days worth of referrals. Not crazy good, not sucky bad either. I think alot of parents were expecting the referrals to follow along the same lines as the last batch and are ecstatic that it didn't. I guess I am just relieved that CCAA was able to do more this time. Hopefully, CCAA will be able to do more in the months to come. November '06 is pretty big, as far as the number of people logged in to receive referrals. So, it might take CCAA a few months to get thru it. Speculation is that December, January and February are not so big, hopefully CCAA can get thru these months quicker. Of course, there is March'06, which is our month and rumored to be large. Our agency has 7 days of LIDS for March, the average for them is 4. So, while I know with every referral batch we get closer, I also realize that we are still so far away.
Oh, for my password challenged family, I have removed the need have a login ID and password. So you have no excuse now, HAHAHA!
*Edited to say*
If you choose to post anonymously, you will have to chose anonymous and make sure you put your name in the post itself or well..I wont know who you are, LOL. This I did, of course, because my family can't remember their logins or passwords, love you guys anyways! :)
Staying true to who you are Happy 13th
4 years ago