where the rumor mill stops, nobody knows!!
Rumor Queen has heard of two rumors of potential cut off dates for the next batch of referrals, both are not confirmed and not reliable, but what the hell, I'll get on the rollercoaster ride this month.
The first is that the cutoff will be the 9th (BOO!) and the other says the cut off is for the 14th (YAY!)
I temper this with the 7th of March 2006, rumored to have alot of people logged in on that day, some say CCAA wont be able to do more than that day, OY!
So, who wants to join me for the ride?? :o)
Staying true to who you are Happy 13th
4 years ago
Me! Me! I'll join you! I saw it too but didn't want to say anything. Not like I didn't think you'd see it yourself nut I didn't want to get you all crazy again.....but you have to admit, coming so soon about her post of a speed up, it sure sounds promising.
I agree though, I bet the 9th is closer to what it will be. But since the 7th is such a big day, that's pretty good. And the next batch should be a good one. Looks like you are within *gasp* maybe three months? Could it be?????
SQUEEEE!!!!! I am beside myself with excitement!! Oh please let it be the
3-4 months left to go tops, C'mon CCAA don't fail me now!! HAH!
I can't wait...I can't wait....I can't wait. Come on Mia. Summertime is beautiful here.
I will ride the crazy train with you! Your wait is coming to an end and I really cannot wait to lay eyes on Mia!
P.S. "SQUEEE!!!" I have to find a way to use that in a sentence today.
SQUEEE!!!! I'll jump on the ride too. I remember that I was on the longest rollercoaster from Thanksgiving to Feb 1. It can be fun at times just dreaming that this is getting so close and then it can be frustrating that you'll have to wait yet another month. But you know that it WILL happen.
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