Sooooo, I am on Rumor Queen and what do I read??? Well, she has a very early rumor(I use that term loosely, it's more like this months torture), that somebody's agency was stating that CCAA is supposed to have matched beyond March 23rd...I nearly swallowed my tongue...
And I quote...
"There is also a rumor about a cut off date, but it’s only coming from one place and it’s pretty fantastic at this point. If true then it would be better than any of the columns on my projections table. Even better than the good case scenario from back in 2006. I think we’ll put that one at an R1 at this point"
The projections after the last batch of referals..
Holy Crap! Just when I got used to waiting five more months for a referal, five more months of easing my way into motherhood(lets not kid ourselves, I have been easing myself into motherhood for 12 years now).
1. If this rumor does pan out, who is going to talk me off the ceiling?? Not my dh, he is the biggest spaz on the planet and I don't feel prepared for this.(I hear your brains thinking "Lady, you've had almost 3 years to get ready, what have you been doing all this time?) Is lamenting over the wait, drinking wine and eating chocolate considered preparing? I think not....
2. If the rumor is NOT true (odds are it isn't), what kind of sick creep would say something like that. Some sick twisted individual, who is probably thinking "Lets watch their heads explode when we lay this on them", as they chortle in glee......
Even though I do not "really" believe the rumor, I'll be damned if a little bit of "what if" doesn't creep in...
*any data posted here is from the RQ site, have to give the Queen props ya know or Off with yer head!*