That's how long the wait has been for us, as of today. To me it doesn't "seem" that long, but in reality, that's a frickin long time. I have been okay with the wait so far, only have semi meltdowns on a bi-weekly basis. Rich on the other hand, well, has become a blog-aholic. Yes, my man has taken to surfing the web for anything, everything, China adoption. He says it helps him with the wait, which is a good thing.. Sometimes it leads to baby shopping, which is a VERY good thing! Yesterday he comes up to me, wild eyed and panicked, saying that he read on this ladies blog, who's LID is the same and SHE has already starting shopping for the trip, we have nothin!! Now those of you who know my husband, can probably guess where this is going, you didn't nickname him the Spaz for nothin!
Fast forward 4 hours and 4 stores later, I am a glassy eyed drooling mess. Who knew that shopping for a baby, could reduce a person to a incoherent blob, how did this come to be me. OH YEAH, it must have been the going to 4 different stores, looking for bottle liners we could have gotten at the FIRST store, my husband is a nut! Well., I took a few pictures of our loot(now look who is the nut) for you to gaze upon. Notice the cute outfits, couldnt resist! Most of this stuff is going to China with us, really, this is not even half the stuff we need to get. How we'll fit this into two suit cases, including our stuff, is beyond me. I wonder whose bright idea only allowing two suitcases was!